Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Amelia in Devon

As predicted, it has been an action-packed week with Amelia (Millie) and I have had no time to post anything here. I took a few photos but most of the adventures went unrecorded because I was too busy trying to keep up with the little rascal to even think of the camera. Here, though, are a few highlights from the week:

On Wednesday, we joined hundreds of villagers who lined the streets to welcome the Commando Regiment home back from Afghanistan. Millie waved her flag as the soldiers marched by

Thursday was sunny but chilly so we had the beach all to ourselves. Millie had never experienced so much freedom.......

... but, as usual, someone had to spoil the fun and call her back.Lunch at one of those places the grandparents usually avoid - you know the sort of place with 'Children Welcome' on the door!

Grandma managed to hold the camera but Grumpy was lying in an exhausted heap on the floor at this stage. Have I mentioned that Millie has only two speeds: flat-out-fast or flat-out-asleep?
After church on Easter Sunday, wearing a pretty dress....
.... and full of the wonder of discovery.
She went home today and the house is tidy and silent and oh, so dull and empty.


  1. This was wonderful to read and see. How far away is she? This is a wonderful age. I remember the pointing 'boat' 'car' 'tree' - I'm so happy you've had this time with Miss Millie and hope she'll be back very soon, with your beloved daughter of course!

  2. Thank you, Nan. It is such a delightful age, with new skills developing almost daily.

    They live in London, which is only a 4 or 5 hour drive away but that is too far for us to visit now that my mother-in-law lives with us. We will all be together in May for a family wedding and then we are hoping that Tanith and Millie will come to spend the summer with us.


I love to read your comments and promise that I will reply as soon as I can leave my garden, sewing room or kitchen!