Sunday, March 06, 2011

A trip into the past

Since retiring, the days and even months seem to slip by without my taking any particular note of them. Random Distractions' fifth birthday passed last month without any fanfare but today I had a reminder of some of those early days of blogging when someone kindly left a comment on this post from 2008. I am afraid I was singing the praises of my son on that occasion, too!

Looking back at the topics I used to write about, the blogs I followed and the friends I made then, has been really interesting. Some of the people I got to know continue to be friends -  D of 60goingon16 has become a close personal friend, while others remain in their 'virtual' state but are treasured nonetheless.

Random Distractions has changed more than I expected, though. I used to write far more about books and current affairs. Life has disrupted my reading time, so I rarely review books now; the birth of three grandchildren has led me into knitting and sewing and granny boasting on a scale I never imagined to be possible; and a few unpleasant disagreements led me to avoid writing on controversial subjects. The newly retired professional woman turned into a domestic grandmother!

Spring is definitely in the air now so perhaps it is time to dust the cobwebs out of the old brain. I'll let you know how that is going after my trip to Oxfordshire later this week to celebrate two grandchildren's birthdays. You see what I mean..........!

Spring in the air


  1. Happy 5th birthday, Random Distractions, and to the lovely woman at the keyboard. You are a treasured virtual friend.

  2. Jodi
    Thank you very much, treasured virtual friend.

  3. Happy blogiversary, M. And here's to many more years of friendship. (Just realised that this means that my own fifth blogiversary was last month too - and it completely passed me by.)


I love to read your comments and promise that I will reply as soon as I can leave my garden, sewing room or kitchen!