Thursday, August 06, 2009

Still waiting!

Thank you for all your enquiries. We are still waiting for Baby Brit to put in his/her appearance. The latest news is that "something should happen this evening." Watch this space!


  1. We're watching, M, we're watching . . . sending loving thoughts to you all.

  2. Nothing happened last night after all. We are all hoping today will be the day!

  3. I keep checking Think of England for some news; not that the blog will be Brit's first port of call!
    Hope all's ok.

  4. Hi Ben
    It is a long time to wait. Poor A & A! They have been in the delivery suite since 5:30 this morning but no news yet.


I love to read your comments and promise that I will reply as soon as I can leave my garden, sewing room or kitchen!