Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Just wondering

I watched a news item about the omnipresent US elections this morning showing interviews with members of the public. It seemed  that everyone was either bored or angered by the campaign and couldn't wait for it to be over. It made me wonder how the candidates could spend so  many months and  billions of dollars on a campaign that does nothing but irritate or disaffect the public.

In sharp contrast, the UK will be electing Police and Crime Commissioners for the first time on 15 November. That is just 9 days away and yet not a single leaflet has dropped onto our mat from any of the candidates. I wonder what the turnout will be? Will the overkill in US leave a bored or annoyed public at home, while the underkill in England have the same effect? Just wondering.

I was wondering about a few other things this morning: why do things go wrong just when you need them most? A vital piece of my sewing machine flew off just as I was putting the finishing touches to a Christmas present I'm making. I spent thirty minutes or so trying to put it back but could not find a way; I called my husband to have a look and he fixed it in thirty seconds! Why is that? I also wondered why I never seem to have time to sit at my desk these days and when I do get an opportunity, why is that I can't think of anything to write about?

Now for some wondering of a different kind. We spent last week visiting our children and grandchildren. We were with my daughter for Halloween and here you can see the wonder she inspired with her telling of a spooky tale at the children's party. (I wonder who she gets that from?)

Next day, we went to Harcourt Arboretum which is just a short drive from my daughter's house. The children are frequent visitors there and each season fills them with awe and wonder at the changes in the trees and wildlife:
Ben likes to use his "innoclers"

Millie gets close up with the magnifying glass
 Here are some of the trees taking on their autumn splendour:

A Grumpy up a tree? How did he get in here?

Isn't it all just wonderful?


  1. What a Brilliant park!!!

    And I Love the idea of getting into costume when reading a story :0)

    (well actually to be more truthful...I love the idea of someone else getting dressed up whilst reading a story ...am I boring ...yep probably..oh dear)

    Sympathy for the frustrations of life ...I so know what you mean. I think matching opportunity and inspiration is a very tricky task at the moment...still fortunately occasionally it clicks (well I hope so )

    My personal sewing machine trick is to be in a rush, break the needle and then be in the ridiculous position of having to practically feed my nose into the machine in the hope of having a faint chance of seeing to re-thread the darn thing ....

    1. I don't mean to be unkind, Val, but I'm glad that I am not alone in my difficulties with writing and with pesky sewing machines. Oops, the sewing machine is right alongside the laptop and I have a strong suspicion that it can read print as well as moods so it will be getting its revenge on me very soon!

  2. I can't answer any of your questions - so I'm just popping in to say hello!

    1. Hello Margaretha! I have resolved to make time to sit at the laptop and visit all my friends. It is very nice to see you and I will now pop over to you for a visit.


I love to read your comments and promise that I will reply as soon as I can leave my garden, sewing room or kitchen!