Friday, March 13, 2009

Snicker Doodle Dandy!

I am going to Exeter on Sunday to see an American friend. The last time I visited, I made some of Nan's chocolate chip cookies and my friend burst into tears when she tried one because it tasted "just like my momma's" and not like the chewy confections the supermarkets pass off as American cookies.
I tried out a new recipe today from Nan's collection, the snicker doodles. They are delicious and I think I will have to take a large hanky along with the box of cookies because I think these will stir up even more memories of my friend's childhood.

Now if we could solve all international problems by sharing recipes, wouldn't the world be a happier place? There have been some fabulous Indian recipes in BBC Radio 4's Book of the Week, this week;
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown has been reading from her memoir The Settler's Cookbook.Here is today's recipe which surely could contribute to world peace:
Carrot Halva
900g peeled and grated carrots
250ml powdered full-cream milk
570ml full-cream fresh milk
250 gm granulated sugar
75 gm butter
250ml sunflower oil
A few cardamom pods

Heat the butter and oil at a low temperature in a heavy-bottomed pan with a lid you can put in the oven. Throw in the pods. When they start to cook, add the carrots and stir, cooking slowly for five minutes, then add the fresh milk, cover (leave a slight opening) and cook over very gentle heat for ten minutes. Check and stir often. Add sugar and milk powder, and cook a little longer. Cover and cook in a low oven for half an hour. Finally, add many golden plump sultanas and serve hot.

Serves 8


  1. Very, very clever title, Maureen! Thank you. Remember to tell her these are Mary Lois' not Nan's. :<) I'll be eager to know what she thinks. What a nice, kind thing you do.

  2. You are right, Karin. Cookies fill me with goodwill towards all! And my interest in them comes entirely from blogging. I have never liked English biscuits and mine is probably the only house in UK without a biscuit tin. Then I went to the American Museum in Bath and ate a snickerdoodle and fell under the spell of American cookies. Nan of the Hill Farm has supplied recipes galore and all my friends are loving the boxes of cookies I make for them.


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