Thursday, November 15, 2007

Finding fame?

I saw this Dave Walker cartoon over on Musings from a Muddy Island and couldn't resist copying it. Thanks for the link, Juliet.


  1. Ha ha - glad you liked it! I've posted a few others since I discovered Dave's site - the laundry one was painfully apt at the time, and the 'how bad things are' chart hit the nail squarely on the head at the beginning of this excessively tiresome working week.

  2. I'd rather share a joke than a quarrel any day, Juliet. Perhaps I should stick to cartoons and not some of the topics I've sometimes touched on which have developed a contentious aspect never intended by me!

  3. Gosh, yes, see what you mean (I hadn't seen all those comments when I left mine). It seems to be what happens when one touches on the subject of war, however, as I found on Musings. But you shouldn't let it deter you from expressing how you feel about such things, or your blog won't be 'yours' any more.

  4. Thank you, Juliet. That is very encouraging.


I love to read your comments and promise that I will reply as soon as I can leave my garden, sewing room or kitchen!